Tag Archives: green finch

Signs of Spring


This is the post I meant to put up yesterday, but life got in the way a little bit…

snowdropsToday, for the first time this year, I heard the voice of the male blackbird. During the spring and early summer one hears them constantly, and they certainly sing away in the dead of night. But by late summer they quiet down and the only noise that I at least can hear them make is a rustling around in the leaves. As I was returning from the post office yesterday I stopped to watch a female blackbird in the hopes of getting a good shot of her (I didn’t) when I heard the familiar voice of the male for a brief few seconds in the bush. Like a jolt it transported me to spring! Afterwards I came across these snowdrops and the daffodil shoots pictured above and was firmly convinced that spring might actually be a possibility. A week ago I wouldn’t have been so sure. Continue reading